Friday, September 18, 2009

An Afternoon on the River

Today was just one of those days that you want to be wandering around the streets of Europe. The weather was mild, there was a slight breeze, and the sun was shining. I began my morning with two girlfriends, Rachael and Sally, at the Cafe Louve for brunch. This is a beautiful old cafe located on the third floor of a building close to the National Theater. It has bright red walls and fascinating paintings that adorn its interior. The waiters in this cafe wear black and white striped vests and walk swiftly throughout the cafe carrying hot coffees and cocoas made from real melted hot chocolate. Needless to say my mushroom omelet and latte were to die for.

Later in the morning we managed to navigate the tram system to meet our CET group at the Czech Parliment where we receieved a group tour and history lesson about the parlimentarians. We were lucky enough to get to go into the meeting room of the representatives and stand on the balcony overlooking a magnificent gold and white room. However, the fun of the afternoon came after our trip to Parliment when Jiri announced that we would be taking the pattle boats out on the river for the afternoon. Now, if you ever get a chance to paddle down Vltava river you must take it. It is simply beautiful. From our little paddle boats we got a 360 unblocked view of some of the most beautiful buildings in Prague all while soaking in the sun on a paddle boat shaped like a swan. After I was done taking hundreds of photographs of this beautiful place I was able to just sit back and relax on our trusty swan and enjoy this small moment of peace floating down the Vltava.

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