Summer is Here
Summer is in full swing here in the 805 and I have already taken it by storm. Okay so here is my "update". Today is Sunday and it is beautiful outside so I am going to go to a spinning class this morning and then workout. Then I am going to go home and make myself a lunch and then I am going to meet my amigas and the beach so that I can get my tan on. The goal of the summer is to be as dark as possible. Horrible for the skin, I know, but so good for this California soul that has been trapped in snowy Minnesota. I plan on this being a summer full of times at the beach, hard work at UCSB and the SBMHA, quality time with family, fro yo, friends, tans, bonfires, farmers market trips, and girl time.
Sam traveled west from Baltimore this week to visit us in Santa Barbara. We had such a nice week; jet skiing, working out, eating good food, hugging, hiking, walking on the beach etc, that I just didn't want it to end. But it is okay because I am going to B-More in six weeks so I'll see him then and apparently they have some good crab cakes over there in the East.
What else? Hmmmmm...well I start my job on Monday. At the Mental Health Association I have been put in charge of assisting in establishing a group for young people with schizophrenia based around...wait for it....HIP cool it that. So basically we are going to be playing and listening to hip hop and creating our own on a Kareoke machine!
Okay my loves, I hope all of you are having wonderful and sunny summer days.
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